External Storage Devices
6.2 Guidelines for Connecting SCSI Storage Devices
6.2 Guidelines for Connecting SCSI Storage Devices
SCSI storage devices must be connected to your workstation according to the
following guidelines for the system to work properly:
• If no external drives are connected, the SCSI connector on the back of the
system unit must contain a SCSI terminator.
• A SCSI connector can accommodate up to seven drives, linked together in
a chain. (On your workstation, the internal hard disk counts as the first
drive; you can connect six more external drives to the SCSI connector on
the back of the system unit.)
• Each drive enclosure (such as the SZ12 expansion box, for example) has
two connectors, except for the TURBOchannel extender box, which has only
• The second connector of the last expansion box or tabletop drive enclosure
in the chain must contain the large SCSI terminator that comes with
the drive. The TURBOchannel extender (TCE) box has its own internal
terminator. If you’re using the TCE, you must always place it last in the
• Each drive in the chain must have a unique SCSI ID. See the next section,
‘‘Section 6.3,’’ for information about determining and assigning IDs.
• No more than three external expansion boxes can be connected to the base
SCSI connector on the system unit. (You can connect additional expansion
boxes using a PMAZ-AB TURBOchannel SCSI adapter.)
• When you’re starting up your system, turn on the devices attached to it
first (in any order) and then turn on the system unit.
If you’re connecting a TURBOchannel expansion box (TCE), refer to the
instructions that come with it for additional information.
External Storage Devices 6–3