part numbers (cont’d)
internal drives, C–3
keyboard, C–4
major FRUs, C–2
monitors, C–4
mouse, C–4
multimedia devices, C–6
power supply, C–2
SCSI, C–4, C–5
SCSI hardware, C–3
small hardware, C–5
standoffs, C–5
system module, C–2
system unit chassis, C–2
system unit cover, C–2
terminators, C–5
password, 3–2
password command, 12–2, 12–5
pin assignments
Ethernet loopback connector, part
#12-22196-02, D–9
I/O cover SCSI cable, D–2
modem loopback connector, part#12-
15336-13, Option #H3200,
printer/communications connector, D–4
printer/console loopback connector, D–5
SERIAL.bus, D–7
sound connector pin assignments, D–9
summary of loopback connections, D–9
ThickWire Ethernet connector, D–3
power cord, 1–20
power-up indicator light, 1–4
power-up self-test, 3–2
printenv command, 12–6
SCSI connector, 6–3
SCSI devices, 6–2
guidelines for connecting, 6–3
linking, 6–8
verifying, 6–12
SCSI IDs, 6–3, 6–4
changing, 6–6
SCSI IDs (cont’d)
factory assigned, 6–4
for device connected to TURBOchannel
option module, 6–6
setting, 9–8
for RZ23L hard disk drive, 9–9
for RZ24 hard disk drive, 9–10
for RZ25 hard disk drive, 9–11
verifying, 6–4
setenv command, 12–6
shutting down, 1–7
site requirements, 2–1
static electricity, 1–7
storage devices, 6–2
superuser mode, 12–2
system self-test, 3–2, 5–2
system tool, 1–8
system unit
back, 1–5
connectors on, 1–5
front, 1–4
inside, 1–7, 1–10
memory configurations, 10–5
to close, 1–10
to open, 1–7
turning off, 3–6
turning on, 3–1
tablet, C–4
test command, 12–6
TK50Z tape drive, 6–8
TURBOchannel extender box, 6–3, 6–8
TURBOchannel modules
used to connect to additional networks,
TURBOchannel option modules, 3–3, 11–7
connecting monitors to, 1–15
TURBOchannel SCSI adapter, 6–3