MIOX AE Series Operators Manual
• 250 mL glass beaker
• 3000 mL, or 5000 mL glass jar with lid (depending on MIOX OSG being tested)
• Pipette that can accurately measure 0.5 mL or 1 mL samples
• Chlorine Test Kit (i.e. DPD, Color Wheel, Colorimeter or AccuVac)
• Chlorine Demand-Free Water (see below)
• Graduated Cylinder (1000 mL for MIOX and RIO Series mixed-oxidant or sodium hypochlorite
• Timer or a watch with a second hand
• Calculator
Preparing Chlorine Demand-Free Water
Demand-free water is required for determination of oxidant concentration in an on-site generator.
Because the oxidant is being diluted significantly, any demand in the dilution water will cause a
significant misreading in the oxidant concentration. There are two methods for making demand-free
water. The first, and preferred, method requires UV exposure over an extended period and may not be
practical for quick analysis. The second method is quicker, but the calculations must be modified to
account for the excess chlorine residual in the water.
Note: Distilled water, whether purchased at the store or made in a lab, cannot be trusted to
be demand-free.
Method One:
1. Add 5mL of 5.25% bleach into one gallon of distilled water.
2. Shake to mix thoroughly.
3. Allow the water to sit 2 days inside.
4. After 2 days inside, move the water outside where it will be exposed to direct sunlight since
ultraviolet light reduces chlorine to chlorides.
5. Test a sample for chlorine and allow to sit longer in direct sunlight if chlorine is still present.
Method Two:
1. Add 3 mL of oxidant solution into one gallon of distilled water.
2. Shake to mix thoroughly.
3. Allow the water to sit for thirty minutes.
4. Check the chlorine residual in the water.