iBoot-G2+ / iBoot-G2S
Page 25
7.14. Disable OFF
This new feature in iBoot-G2+ version 1.40 and above insures that the power to the controlled device will
always be on whenever possible. No accidental turning or leaving the power off is possible.
To use the “Disable Off” feature
– On the Setup > Device page check the enable box next to the Disable Off: option and Save.
CLI - telnet to the unit and issue the Command Line Interface command.
set disable off yes
Use the following to determine the current status of the feature.
get disable off
The response will be
Disable Off: Yes
Disable Off: No
Yes will indicate it is enabled and No will indicate it is disabled. By default, the feature is disabled.
To stop using this feature issue the command
set disable off no
When the feature is enabled, the following will occur:
If the outlet is Off at the time the feature is enabled, the outlet will turn On
Initial state will be programmed for On
Initial state will not allow programming for Off or Last
If AutoPing action programmed for On-Follow, Off-Latch or Off-Follow, the autoping action will be
reprogrammed as None
AutoPing action will not allow programming for On-Follow, Off-Latch or Off-Latch
If a Schedule Settings event has action for Off, it will be reprogrammed for On
Schedule Settings will not allow programming for action Off
Web page will not show the “Power OFF” button
Web Page will not process an HTTP POST for Off.
URL control will not process an unqualified off status request (s=0) A qualified off status request with a
time setting (s=0&t=1) of 1 or more will be processed allowing for URL control to cycle off, then back on
URL control will not process a qualified on status request with a time setting (s=1&t=1) of 1 or more
(disabling URL control to cycle on then off)
DxP control will not process an Off command
DxP control will not process a pulse on command. pulse on commands end with outlet off
DxP control Pulse Off commands, while in progress, will not allow cycle commands to override them.
(avoiding potentially having a completed cycle end as off)
Cycle commands, while in progress, will not allow new cycle commands to override them.
(avoiding potentially having a completed cycle end as off)
Command Line Interface (CLI) control will not process “set outlet off”
If cloud control is enabled, the Off command will not be processed.
When the feature is disabled, all the modes that can turn the power off will be available and functioning.