Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV Function upgrading for Mifare transponders General information
The function Autologin always works in this version. If no password is entered, the default password by
Philips or Infineon is used. If a password is entered, at first a login as key A is carried out and if that
fails, this password is used as key B. Autologin is active only for reading. Global settings
Three password groups are provided. Password group 1 is used for the global settings. Range 2 is freely
available, range 3 can be used with the restriction, that here the passwords of the old card (for rewriting
the Access Conditions Bits of the sector trailer in the BIOS menu) are logged.
For the ASCII-format the value with the given length is written on the card, a zero-termination is not
written on the card. If there are any zeros within the given length, they are written on the card.
For the ASCII-format the value with the given length is read from the card, a zero-termination is added
after the given length. Thus, the maximum length, possible for the card, used completely.
All Mifare standard cards can be used. When using 1kByte cards all sectors can be used, when using
4kByte cards only the first 16 sectors (out of 40) can be used.
Autologin function
In the previous version 04.01.04.xx the Autologin was active non-stop; only a few users knew this and
used it. In the version (and higher) the Autologin works in a different way. At activation all
6 passwords, that are given, are used until a login was successful. This function allows only the reading
of the card with various passwords; when writing on the card the password has to be correct. If Access is
used, the Autologin function cannot be used, because the access reader permits only one reading password
for security reasons.
Access Conditions Bits
The Access Conditions Bits are logged on the sector trailer, the fourth block of a sector. Each sector can
have its own password key A and B, also the access rights can be set for each sector and even for each
block. The sector Trailer is structured as follows:
The sector Trailer cannot be read out via the setup functions. Only the blocks 0 to 2 are accessible in
order to read and write data. The Access Conditions indicate the block format and the access rights of
the block of a sector. The Value format is not supported by the firmware, but this can be set optionally.
You should pay special attention to the Access Condition (B3), because the settings of the sector Trailer
cannot be changed afterwards, it is write-protected then. If you are not sure, you should use the default
settings of the producer.
The Access Conditions Bits do not change the settings of the password use in the
groups 1, 2 or 3. Here you have to pay attention, so that the settings correspond
to the ACB. A set write-protection of the sector Trailer cannot be cancelled.