Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
Compatibility of firmware and DatafoxStudioIV
The DatafoxStudioIV is downward compatible within the firmware versions 4.x.xx. The second number
shows the compatibility group. If this number is changed, a more up-to-date firmware generation must
be used.
Devices with an older firmware can also be configured with DatafoxStudioIV, but
only that functions are provided by the device which are also provided by the older
firmware. However, it is impossible to configure a more up-to-date firmware version
with an older DatafoxStudioIV-Version.
That means, the manual version that corresponds to the firmware with the appropriate setup is always
relevant for the possible functions. The manual version and the appropriate DatafoxStudioIV always have
the same index. It is impossible to configure a firmware with a DatafoxStudioIV version that is older than
the firmware. Recommendation: If possible use the appropriate DatafoxStudioIV version. This version
always has to be
the version of the firmware.
The data file:
M asterIV, Sof twareV ersionen Stand xxx.pdf
shows which functions are provided
by which software release. You will find the file on the CD. Please alsocomply with the
instructions given in the chapters of the manual.
The updates are available for download on our internet page
When the new device is delivered always the firmware version recently released is
used. If you wish to work with an older version please carry out a downgrade.
Please comply with the instructions in chapter