Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
read out data records - Via this function you can read out data records from the ZK-
MasterIV. Via the button
in figure
a dialogue opens where you can define the
folder (path) in which you want to save the data records.
Read GPRS configuration data - Via the button (
) a dialogue opens where you can
define the GPRS.ini. Just create a new file, name it GPRS.ini and select it. Now, the
current GPRS configuration is read from the device and written into the *.ini file.
Write GPRS configuration data - Select the configuration file (GPRS.ini) that contains
the desired settings via the button (
Read/ write system variables for signal processing - A selection dialogue opens where
you can select the desired system variables of the digital inputs and then read or write
them. See chapter
Import and load Timeboy lists - The dialogue "‘Import and transmit data of the lists
of the Timeboy"’ opens. See chapter
Read StartUp variables - Via this function you can read out the StartUp variables.
Write StartUp variables - Via this function you can write StartUp variables.
Checking for data records - It is examined whether there are data records in the device.
Delete all existing data records - Deletes all data records from the device. This is
absolutely necessary before you can install a new firmware or setup.
Read data record (not delete) - reads a selected data record without deleting it
Read data record (is deleted!) - reads a selected data record and then deletes it
Switch over communication (GSM, GSM/GPRS)
In order to carry out the functions "‘Transmit device file"’ and "‘Transmit setup
file"’, no data records must be on the device. In this case you first have to read out
all data from the device (see chapter