Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
4.5.9 Display state of the ZK-modules
Via this function it is possible to receive detailed
information about the state of the access control
modules. You can check, which modules of the
access control have bee recognized by the terminal
and which state they have.
Figure 83: Read state of the ZK-modules
TM stands for Türmodul (door module), followed
by the three-figure bus number. In the list the max-
imum number of modules that can be connected
to the ZK-MasterIV is shown. The next number
indicates the state of the module. In the next col-
umn the type of the module is shown, L stands for
Leser (reader), TM for Türmodul (door module)
and LTM for Leser mit Türmodulfunktion (reader
with door module function). The lower field con-
tains a small legend of the status messages.
Figure 84: State of ZK-module