Manual Datafox ZK-MasterIV
5.2 Functions of a setup
5.2.1 Basic settings
With the DatafoxStudioIV more than one device type can be configured. The
functionality of the devices differs. Therefore it is important to select the device
type at first. Only then it can be guaranteed that all functions are available while
configuring and that they are not deactivated.
Depending on the chosen communication type some further settings have to be carried out. Please note,
that all changes have to go well with the settings of the device (see chapter
Für den ZK-MasterIV gibt es keine weiteren Grundeinstellungen.
From version 04.01.06. x can be put how much of the device memory should be used for records and how
much for lists.
5.2.2 Global variables
Global variables are used as buffers within the device and do not depend on a data type. That way it
is possible to transmit values, created within an input chain, to another input chain for reprocessing. At
most 8 global variables can be defined in the ZK-MasterIV.
The use of global variables is explained in detail
in chapter
For testing purposes or also with the basic param-
eters (e.g. device-no.) it might be very useful, if
the global variables are already preallocated in the
Figure 103: Setting of global variables
Already while defining, the global variables can be preallocated with values (in the basic settings of the
device via the register card Global variables, see figure
). It is also possible to fill them with values
via input chains within the term. If you access to the same GV repeated, writing, via input chains, the
value of the GV is changed.