8.1.6. Q5 Changes Made
Q5 Changes Made can be used for fault finding.
Changes made
to get information about:
the last 10 changes. Use the up/down navigation keys to scroll between the last 10 changed parameters.
the changes made since default setting.
to get information about the display line read-outs. The information is shown as graphs.
Only display parameters selected in par. 0-20 and par. 0-24 can be viewed. It is possible to store up to 120 samples in the memory for later reference.
Please notice that the parameters listed in the below tables for Q5 only serve as examples as they will vary depending on the programming of the particular
frequency converter.
Q5-1 Last 10 Changes
20-94 PID Integral Time
20-93 PID Proportional Gain
Q5-2 Since Factory Setting
20-93 PID Proportional Gain
20-94 PID Integral Time
Q5-3 Input Assignments
Analog Input 53
Analog Input 54
8.1.7. Q6 Loggings
Q6 Loggings can be used for fault finding.
Please notice that the parameters listed in the below table for Q6 only serve as examples as they will vary depending on the programming of the particular
frequency converter.
Q6 Loggings
Analog Input 53
Motor Current
Energy Log
Trending Cont Bin
Trending Timed Bin
Trending Comparison
AQUA Drive
Operating Instructions
8. How to programme the frequency converter
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