3. Dig pits (25cm diameter, 40cm depth) for digging in Side – bottom stilt of the arch
(NO. 3). Dig them along the perimeter of the foundation basis, near the fastening points
marked on the foundation basis (3.1 - 3.2 fig.).
3.1 fig
3.2 fig
4. To the top of front and back parts of the foundation basis (13) fasten the Plates for
attaching polycarbonate (24) with M5-12 screws (16) and internal screws M5 (19) (4.1
- 4.2 fig.).
4.1 fig
4.2 fig
5. Preparing the stilt for digging in. To the bot-
tom of Side – bottom stilt of the arch (NO. 3),
screw Pillars to the ground (NO. 4) with the
screws M5-12(16) and internal screws M5 (19)
(5 fig.).
5 fig
6. Construction of arches. The most comfortable way is to collect all arches on the
ground. To Side – bottom stilt of the arch (NO. 3) connect side arches (NO. 2) from
the both sides. Connect short arch (NO. 1) on top, in the middle to the side arches. Use
screws (16) and internal screws (19) (6 fig.).
REMARK: Every upper part covers the part that is underneath. End of the part NO. 2
which has 2 vertical connecting holes (for fastenings of the arches – crossbars (NO.5)
) is connected to the part NO. 1