Installation instruction:
1. For the construction of the foundation basis you should use: Front and back parts of
the foundation basis (13), sides of the foundation basis (11). You should connect all 4
parts and make a rectangle. To make a rectangle use: angles of the foundation (14), screw
the parts together with screws M5-12 (16), internal screws M5 (19) (1.1 - 1.4 fig.).
1.4 fig
2 fig
2. Measure the diagonal of the foundation
basis. Lengths of the diagonals must be equal.
If they are equal – tighten the screws of the
foundation basis (2 fig.).
For bigger than 12m
greenhouse, in order to
increase the length of the basis Plates for linking
the foundation (15) are used. They are screwed
from both sides with screws M5-12 (16), inter-
nal screws M5 (19) (1.5 fig.).
If the length of the greenhouse is 6m - founda-
tion basis is connected: 4m (11) + 1.965m Ex-
tension of the foundation basis (12)
If the length of the greenhouse is 8m - founda-
tion basis is connected: 4m (11) + 4m Extension
of the foundation basis (11)
If the length of the greenhouse is 10m - foun-
dation basis is connected: 4m (11) + 4m (11) +
1.965m Extension of the foundation basis (12)
1.5 fig
1.1 fig
1.2 fig
1.3 fig