10.2 fig
11. By the part (NO.8), screw Transversal stilt of the door – window 985mm (No. 10)
to Stilt of the door – window. Use screws M5-12 (16) and internal screws M5 (19)(11.1
- 11.2 fig.).
11.1 fig
11.2 fig
12. By the part (NO.8) and angles of attaching polycarbonate and stilt (Small angle) (23),
screw directly Side fastenings of the front – back part 900mm (No. 9) to Stilt of the door
– window(No. 8) and Angles of attaching polycarbonate and stilt (Small angle) (23). Use
screws M5-12 (16) and internal screws M5 (19) (12 fig.)
12 fig