Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Introduction to the
Piranha HS-S0-06K
1.1 Camera Highlights
6,000 p ixels, 10.4 µm x 10.4 µm p ixel p itch , 90% fill factor
256 TDI stages
142 kH z line rate
Bid irection al
Area Mod e op eration
H SLink control interface w ith an 115,200 fixed sign al bau d rate.
Program m able gain, offset, fram e an d fram e rates, trigger m od e, test p attern ou tp u t,
and cam era d iagnostics.
Mirroring and d irection control—forw ard an d reverse. Mirroring is controlled by
Sap era softw are, not by the cam era.
Selectable Area or TDI Mod e of op eration. Area Mod e facilitates cam era alignm ent
and focu sing. Area m od e can also be u sed for regu lar op eration.
Flat-field correction —m inim izes len s vignetting, non-u niform lighting, and sen sor
FPN and PRN U. Flat-field correction is available in TDI m od e only; it is not avaliable
in Area m od e.
The Piranh a H S-S0-06K cam era is a stan d ou t in Teled yne DALSA’s high sen sitivity, TDI-
based fam ily of cam eras. The Piranha H S fam ily of cam eras m axim ize system
throu ghp u t. All cam eras are cap able of bid irectionality w ith 256 stages of integration .