Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Som e com m and s m ay not be available in you r cu rrent op erating m od e. The help screen
d isp lays N A in this case.
3.1 First Power-Up Camera Settings
When the cam era is p ow ered u p for the first tim e, it op erates u sing the follow ing factory
TDI m od e
Left-to-right p ixel read ou t
Forw ard CCD shift d irection
256 integration stages
640 throu ghp u t
Exp osu re m od e 7
30 kH z line rate
Factory gain 0 d B
Factory calibrated FPN an d PRN U coefficients.
N ote regard ing start-u p tim es: This cam era requ ires ap p roxim ately 20 second s to p ow er
u p .
3.2 Sensor Output Format
Selecting TDI or Area Mode Operation
The cam era has the ability to op erate in both TDI an d Area Mod e.
In Area Mod e, the cam era op erates as an area array cam era u sing a tw o d im en sion al
array of p ixels. Area Mod e is u sefu l for alignin g the cam era to you r w eb d irection or
w hen you need a rectangu lar 2D im age an d the lighting su p p orts a fu ll fram e im ager.
In TDI Mod e, the cam era op erates as a TDI high sen sitivity line scan cam era and
com bines m u ltip le exp osu res of an object into one high -resolu tion resu lt.
The cam era stores u ser settings for Area Mod e and TDI Mod e sep arately , allow ing you to
sw itch betw een Area and TDI m od e w ithou t losing settings sp ecific to each m od e. See
section 3.4 Saving and Restoring Settings for an exp lanation on how u ser settings are
stored and retrieved .
In Area Mod e u se either a strobe or a low fram e rate to avoid im age sm ear. TDI op eration
requ ires good sp eed m atchin g betw een you r object and im age.
NOTES: Sensor cosmetic specifications for Area Mode of operation are neither tested nor
Pu rp ose:
Selects the cam era’s op erating m od e. Area Mod e is u sefu l for
aligning and focu sing you r cam era.
tdi i
Syntax Elem ents:
Area m od e
TDI m od e
N otes:
Rem em ber to save you r u ser settings before changing m od e.