Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
6.1 Common Solutions
The inform ation in this ch ap ter can help you solve p roblem s that m ay occu r d u rin g the
setu p of you r cam era. Rem em ber that the cam era is p art of the entire acqu isition system .
You m ay have to trou bleshoot any or all of the follow ing:
p ow er su p p lies
fram e grabber hard w are & softw are
host com p u ter
light sou rces
op tics
op erating environm ent
encod er
You r step s in d ealing w ith a technical p roblem shou ld be:
Try the general and sp ecific solu tions listed in sections 6.1, 6.2 an d 6.3.
If these solu tions d o not resolve you r p roblem , see section 6.4 on getting p rod u ct su p p ort.
When the cam era is first p ow ered u p , the LED w ill glow on the back of the cam era. Refer
to section LED Statu s Ind icator for inform ation on the LED.
The first step in trou bleshooting is to verify that you r cam era has all the correct
Power Supply Voltages
Check for the p resence of all voltages at the cam era p ow er connector. Verify th at all
grou nd s are connected . Issu e the com m and ,
, to confirm correct voltages.
When the cam era is received from the factory, it d efau lts (no external inp u t requ ired ) to
exp osu re m od e 7 (TBDkH z fram e rate, internal Sync to trigger read ou t, an d TDI Mod e).
After a u ser has saved settin gs, the cam era p ow ers u p w ith the saved settings.