Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Send ing the
com m and
alw ays
restores you r last saved u ser
settings for the m od e of op eration requ ested even if you are
alread y op erating in the requ ested m od e. See section 3.4 Saving
and Restoring Settings for an exp lanation on how u ser settings
are stored and retrieved for each m od e.
Flat field correction is not available in Area Mod e
Exam p le
tdi 1
Selecting the Number of CCD Integration Stages
Pu rp ose:
In TDI Mod e, this com m and ad ju sts the sensitivity level in you r
cam era by setting the nu m ber of CCD integration stages. In Area
Mod e, the vertical height of the im age sensor is controlled by the
nu m ber of stages.
stg m
Syntax Elem ents:
N u m ber of stages to u se. For the H S-S0, the available valu es are
64, 128, 192, 256.
Factory setting is
Exam p le
stg 64
Setting the Camera
CCD Shift Direction
Pu rp ose:
When in TDI Mod e, selects the forw ard or reverse CCD shift
d irection or external d irection control. This accom m od ates object
d irection change on a w eb and allow s you to m ou nt the cam era
―upsid e d ow n‖.
In Area Mod e, selects the vertical read ou t d irection. This allow s
you to m irror the im age vertically or m ou nt the cam era ―u p sid e
d ow n‖.
scd i
Syntax Elem ents:
Read ou t d irection. Allow able valu es are:
0 =
Forw ard CCD shift d irection.
1 =
Reverse CCD shift d irection.
2 =
Externally controlled CCD shift d irection via H SLink
control CC3 (CC3 = 1 forw ard , CC3 = 0 revese).
N ote:
H S-Sx: Direction tied to bit 5 GPIO ou tp u t of H SLink.
N otes:
The follow ing u ser settings are stored sep arately for forw ard
and reverse d irection; backgrou nd ad d , backgrou nd su btract,
system gain, and pixel coefficients. These settings are
au tom atically load ed w hen you sw itch d irection. All other
settings are com m on to both d irections.
See the follow ing figu res for an illu stration of CCD shift
d irection in relation to object m ovem ent.
N ote that som e com m and s that requ ire longer processing
tim e, like
, d elay im p lem entation of an external d irection
Exam p le
scd 1