Linea Lite GigE Series Camera
Linea Lite GigE Series Overview
GigE Network Adapter Overview
Linea Lite
connects to a computer’s Gigabit Network Adapter (NIC). If the computer is already
connected to a network, the computer requires a second network adapter.
Refer to the Teledyne DALSA Network Imaging Package for Sapera LT Optimization Guide, available
through the Start menu under Teledyne DALSA, for information general networking and Sapera LT
specific configuration settings.
Optimizing the Network Adapter used with Linea Lite
Most Gigabit network interface controllers (NIC) allow user modifications to parameters such as
Adapter Buffers and Jumbo Frames. These should be optimized for use with the Linea Lite during
the installation.
In addition, refer to the manual (Sapera Getting Started Manual For GigE Vision Cameras) installed
with the Sapera LT package, for an overview of using GigE Vison cameras.
Optimizing Camera/System Performance
Camera feature settings have a direct effect on the maximum performance possible on the imaging
system network. Review the following features to optimize the system.
GigE Vision Transport Layer Control
: The default size of 1500 is often more efficient than larger jumbo packets,
especially when using Ethernet switches.
: Inserts a delay (in µs) between packets. Dependent on the Ethernet
connection, inserting a short delay (even 1 µs) can make the difference between transmission
errors or no errors at all.
: Limits the maximum bandwidth of the data streamed by the
device. This limiter is useful to allow each camera, when multiple cameras are on the same NIC
and subnet, adequate time to transfer data to transfer data over the network.
The Linea Lite
cameras include TurboDrive™ technology which enables
high speed data transfers
exceeding the GigE limit via a compression algorithm.
For information on TurboDrive see our technology primer:
Implementing Trigger-to-Image Reliability
Review this section to implement features
to monitor the system’s performance.
NIC Optimization
Refer to the Teledyne DALSA Network Imaging Package for Sapera LT Optimization Guide, available
through the Start menu under Teledyne DALSA, for information on optimizing network adapters for
GigE Vision cameras.