4.3.5 Reset
Various kinds of reset are performed. The kind of reset is as follows and operations are different,
respectively. Reset of maximum value and minimum value (it updates to the instantaneous value at the time),
Alarm-output reset (OFF of an alarm output (at the case of manual reset setting)).
And, the operation from each measurement display constitutes conditions at each reset.
(1) Alarm reset
In case an alarm return method is set to
HOLD (manual return)
, an alarm output is reset (output OFF).
(With an alarm-output option) However, an output is not turned off by this operation, in case an alarm
continues and it has caused. And, this operation is unnecessary if an alarm return method is set as "AUTO
(automatic return)". (An output is also OFF to an alarm return.)
In addition, setting can perform same operation in external operation input.
Please refer to "5.3.2 Setting mode 2 (3) external operation input setting" for the setting method.
Please refer to "6.3 Option" for the external operation input.
① It continues pushing RESET/SHIFT 1 second or more by a measurement display, the maximum measurement
display, and the minimum measurement display.
<Caution> If a RESET/SHIFT switch performs alarm reset, the maximum value of the measurement factor
currently displayed on the main monitor and the minimum value are also reset.
1 second
A(V) display
A(U) display
A(W) display
Measurement display
Reset completion