ESS3016X User’s Manual
Disable SAMBA share: In share configuration interface, from the share list, click the edit
button. You can go to the edit interface. Select to disable SAMBA share and then click save
button. (See Figure 3-38)
Disable NFS share. In share configuration interface, click the edit button of the share folder
you want to delete. You can go to edit interface. Select to disable NFS share and then click
save button. (See Figure 3-38)
Disable FTP share. In share configuration interface, click the edit button of the share folder
you want to delete. You can go to edit interface. Select disable FTP share and then click
save button. (See Figure 3-38)
When it is in multiple share modes, you can use either or all of the methods to disable share.
Delete share folder completely.
In share configuration interface (See Figure 3-34), select the item from the share list and then
click corresponding delete button. The folder will be deleted permanently.
3.6.2 FTP Configuration
Click FTP configuration, the interface is shown as in Figure 3-41.
Here you can view FTP configuration information. You can set FTP share folder, delete FTP
share folder.
In Figure 3-41, you can see the following information:
Transmission speed (unit: KB) is 1000.
IP connected amount: each IP only allows 2 connections.
Total connection amount is 64.
Please note: When transmission speed is 0KB, it stands for there is no transmission limit.
Figure 3-41
3.6.3 Service Management
From share to service, you can see the following interface. See Figure 3-42.
Here you can enable, disable or start SAMBA, NFS, FTP, iSCSI service.