Pilot's Operating Handbook
Section 7
Edition 1 - January 15, 2018
Rev. 0
Page 7.8.3
Ground power receptacle door opening is indicated by
Before connecting a GPU to the airplane, ensure that the voltage of the GPU is
regulated between 27.5 volts and 28.5 volts.
The amperage output needs to be consistent with the airplane placard in front
of compartment door : GPU shall provide a current limiting function, and current
limit shall be set per placard.
Do not use batteries pack as GPU sources.
Use of a ground power source with voltage in excess of 28.5 volts or
current exceeding current limit indicated on placard may damage the
airplane electrical system.
Airplane electrical systems are connected to bus bars and protected by pull-off type
breakers located on R.H. side panel - see figure 7.8.4. In case of overload of a system,
the breaker triggers and switches the system off.
If a breaker corresponding to a non essential system trips, do not reset
in flight.
If a breaker corresponding to an essential system trips:
allow it to cool for about three minutes, then the breaker may be reengaged
(pressed down)
if the breaker trips again, do not reset.
BUS 1, BUS 2, BUS 3 and BUS 4 bus bars are directly connected to main bus bar and
protected by fuses located in electrical power system.
The ESS BUS 1 and ESS BUS 2 essential bus bars are connected to main bus bar
through ESS BUS TIE switch set to NORM position. ESS BUS TIE switch is attached
to breaker panel ; NORM position is protected and locked by a cover. Common power
supply to both essential bus bars is protected by a fuse, located in EPS box, and a
breaker, located in the front cargo compartment on C2 frame right side, each bar
being individually protected by a breaker.