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any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying and recording means
or otherwise, without prior written permission of DAC System.
DAC System has taken reasonable care in compiling this document, however DAC System
accepts no liability whatsoever for any error or omission in the information contained herein and
gives no other warranty or undertaking as to its accuracy. DAC System reserves the right to
amend this document at any time without prior notice.
General Precautions:
The following general precautions and warnings need to be understood, respected and apply to
all installation, commissioning and operation tasks performed with the Monitoring System.
Caution - WARNING
Keep Away from Live Circuits
Operating Personnel must always follow general safety precautions. Personnel do not replace
components or adjust the inside of the equipment with high voltage supply turned on. To avoid
accidents, always remove power before action.
Caution - WARNING
Shock Hazard
Do not remove the RF feeder line while RF power of the transmitter is switched on.
Caution - WARNING
Installation and Maintenance Action Never Alone
Never any person should be alone in maintenance, installation or commissioning actions
without somebody present who is capable to call help or is able to provide first aid.
The networking and access to the DL/PDL requires specific IP address and protocol
information. No response or no results may result not from malfunctions of the system but due
to communication problems.
System Handling
Do not use harsh or abrasive detergents for the cleaning of the DL/PDL. The connectors have
always to keep clean from dust and dirt.