FR Family FR81S Series, Emulation System, Doc. No. 002-04887 Rev. *A
6. SOFTUNE Trouble Shooting
The chapter describes trouble shooting for different scenarios with SOFTUNE.
Prompt: “The target could not be connected. Please input power-on reset after starting setup is reviewed”
Check, if external watchdog causes reset in MCU.
Figure 6-1. Trouble Shooting (1)
2. When debug session is started, SOFTUNE crashes and application is closed
Was the USB driver for MB2100-01-E updated (e.g. required for Win7)? If not, please download from
following link and follow the driver installation guide:
If USB driver update installed and either SOFTUNE was reinstalled or a new version was installed, please
do following steps:
Replace “SiUSB.dll” manually from the new USB driver update into the “Softune\bin” folder
Enter folder “c:\windows\SysWOW64” and rename original “wdapixxxx.dll” (e.g. wdapi1021.dll) to
“wdapixxxx_old.dll”. Then copy "wdapixxxx_32.dll" from unzipped “SiUSBdrvr_xxxx\bin” folder into
“c:\windows\SysWOW64” folder and rename this file to the original filename “wdapixxxx.dll” (in this
case: “wdapi1021.dll”).
Do you have administrator rights on your user account? If not, then set user account to administrator.
Is the User Account Control (UAC) feature (min. Win7) enabled? Please disable UAC (see 3.1.1 ).
If a new SOFTUNE
Final step: Reopen SOFTUNE and start debug session.