Installation of the Emulation System
FR Family FR81S Series, Emulation System, Doc. No. 002-04887 Rev. *A
The Software driver is necessary for using the MB2100-01-E embedded
emulator. If the automatically installation of the driver was not finished successfully,
you should install it manually.
There is an emulator update available since November 2010. If you have not
yet updated the emulator Software (SW), follow these steps:
Please contact Cypress to get the SW update files
Unpack the to a local storage
Copy the files Wv911e3.dll and SiDRVo.dll from folder "bin" into your local SOFTUNE folder ..\Softune6\Bin
Copy the file Lib\911\EmlOcd_911.MHX and into your local..\Softune6\Lib.
With starting the Softune Workbench environment the next time an update is generated. This is an update of the
MB2100 emulator SW. Please do not interrupt the update process!
Pick up the co-axial cable which is packed with the emulator
Connect the emulator and the StarterKit with the co-axial cable to the SMA connector
Figure 4-8. Debug Cable Connection to Emulator
Figure 4-9. Debug Cable Connection to StarterKit
The hardware setup is finished. Keep Power SW off.