Cybex 800S Stepper Owner’s Manual
• The Workout Graph in the middle of the console uses columns of lights to show the
progress of your workout. In manual mode, each column represents 1/15th of your work
out and shows the highest speed you reached in that period.
In a program, the Workout Graph shows a detailed view of the current portion of your
workout: each column of lights represents a 15 second segment, so the entire display
covers 225 seconds (a little under four minutes). The height of the columns shows the
relative speed; the blinking column is where you are right now. As you go through your
workout, the blinking column moves slowly from left to right; when it reaches the right-
most column, your workout is almost over. For example:
The blinking column (shown as empty circles) indicates the workout is approximately half
over. The speed will stay the same for the next 90 seconds (six columns), then decrease.
• The Speedometer field to the right of the Workout Graph shows your current stepping
speed, in feet (or meters) per minute. If your speed doesn't look very impressive,
remember that each foot of step is roughly equal to ten feet of running distance.
Workout Summary
After your workout, the Progress Indicators show a summary of your workout. The summary
display rotates four different values, or five if you have the heart rate monitor option:
• The total number of floors you climbed. Each floor is ten vertical feet (or three meters).
• The calories you burned during the workout, based on the floors climbed and the weight
you entered.
• The total vertical distance.
• Your average speed for the entire workout, in vertical feet (or meters) per minute.
• If you have a heart rate monitor, your current heart rate. This lets you monitor your
recovery. You must continue to hold the handles (for a CardioTouch monitor) or stay
in the correct position (for a Polar monitor).
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