Cybex 800S Stepper Owner’s Manual
7. Start stepping!
To join a race started by another stepper:
• If you're already on a stepper, press Advanced Options until you're in Group Race mode,
then press Enter. If the goal hasn't yet been set, you can change it using the arrow keys,
as described above.
• If you see a race announcement on an unused 800S Stepper, just get on and press Enter.
• If an unused 800S Stepper isn't announcing the race, but is attached to the other
steppers, you can still join. Get on it, press Advanced Options until you're in Group Race
mode, then press Enter.
If you change your mind during the countdown, press Clear to leave the race.
Wait for the countdown to end, as described above, and start stepping.
During the race, horizontal rows of dots on the Workout Graph show the progress of each
racer. The first racer to join is at the top; your row is blinking. The race goal is at the far right
of the display. The level readout shows the distance to the leading competitor. If you're ahead,
the distance has a plus sign; if you're behind, it shows a minus sign. The rest of the display is
as described in "The Workout Display" in Chapter 3.
Solo Racing
In solo racing, you step a predetermined distance against a computerized pacer. You can see
both your progress and the pacer's during the workout. To start a solo race:
1. Get on the 800S Stepper.
2. Press the Advanced Options key. If you press a key somewhere else on the console, an
arrow will point toward the program keys, instructing you to select one.
Press Advanced Options until the top display reads "Solo Race." Press Enter.
3. The display will show the default workout length. You can change this using the up and
down arrow keys, or use the keypad to type the number of minutes you want to work out.
You should enter a time that's long enough to reach the goal distance for your race, which
you'll set later. It's all right if the workout length is too long for the race, but it shouldn't be
too short. If you try to enter a time longer than the maximum for this 800S Stepper, it
won't accept your entry. Press Enter.
4. Enter your weight. The 800S Stepper uses this to calculate how many calories you burn
during your workout, so be sure to allow for your clothing and shoes. In general, add
about five pounds to your base weight to get an accurate reading. Again, either type the
weight or use the arrow keys to raise or lower the value shown. Press Enter.
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