Appendix C-PDU Daisy-Chain Function
How to switch between Host and Guest ATS PDUs on the Web interface?
Functionality supported by daisy-chained ATS PDUs will have the Host/
Guest # drop down menu displayed on the Web interface (as shown below).
Can I upgrade the firmware version of the Guest ATS PDUs through the
Host PDU?
Yes, you can upgrade the firmware using the Upgrade and Configuration
Utility, FTP (network connection required), or USB port. Once the Host
completes the ATS PDU firmware upgrade, it will trigger its Guest ATS PDUs
to upgrade the firmware automatically. It takes about 5 minutes for the Guest
ATS PDUs to upgrade, regardless of the number of ATS PDUs in the series.
What will happen if an Ethernet cable is disconnected in the ATS PDUs
For example, if four ATS PDUs are connected and the cable connecting Guest
1 and 2 is disconnected, then Guest 2 and 3 will no longer be detected by
the Host ATS PDU. An event showing that Guest 2 and 3 are removed will be
recorded in the Host ATS PDU. Meanwhile, Guest 2 and 3 will create a new
daisy-chain where Guest 2 becomes a Host and Guest 3 becomes Guest 1 to
the new Host.
In the above example, if the disconnected Ethernet cable is re-connected,
will the role of the ATS PDUs stay the same?
Yes, when the disconnected cable between Guest 1 and 2 is re-connected,
Guest 2 and 3 will revert to their previous roles.
What happens if one ATS PDU in the daisy-chain is powered off?
For example, if four ATS PDUs are connected and Guest 1 is powered off, an
event showing that Guest 1, 2 and 3 are removed will be recorded in the Host
ATS PDU. Guest 2 and 3 will not create another daisy-chain.
Does the Host ATS PDU record the logs of the Guest ATS PDUs and itself?
Yes, the Host ATS PDU records the logs from all Guest ATS PDUs daisy-
chained to it.
Will the Logs of the Guest ATS PDUs recorded in the Host ATS PDU be
cleared if the Guest ATS PDUs are removed from the Host ATS PDU?
No, the Logs of the Guest ATS PDUs will remain even after the Guest ATS
PDUs are removed.
Can I upgrade the firmware version of the Guest PDUs through the Host PDU?
Yes, you can upgrade the firmware using the Upgrade and Configuration Utility,
FTP (network connection required), or USB port. Once the Host completes the
PDU firmware upgrade, it will trigger its Guest PDUs to upgrade the firmware
automatically. It takes about 5 minutes for the Guest PDUs to upgrade,
regardless of the number of PDUs in the series.
What will happen if an Ethernet cable is disconnected in the PDU daisy-chain?
For example, if four PDUs are connected and the cable connecting Guest 1 and 2
is disconnected, then Guest 2 and 3 will no longer be detected by the Host PDU.
An event showing that Guest 2 and 3 are removed will be recorded in the Host
PDU. Meanwhile, Guest 2 and 3 will create a new daisy-chain where Guest 2
becomes a Host and Guest 3 becomes Guest 1 to the new Host.
In the above example, if the disconnected Ethernet cable is re-connected, will
the role of the PDUs stay the same?
Yes, when the disconnected cable between Guest 1 and 2 is re-connected,
Guest 2 and 3 will revert to their previous roles.
What happens if one PDU in the daisy-chain is powered off?
For example, if four PDUs are connected and Guest 1 is powered off, an event
showing that Guest 1, 2 and 3 are removed will be recorded in the Host PDU.
Guest 2 and 3 will not create another daisy-chain.
Does the Host PDU record the logs of the Guest PDUs and itself?
Yes, the Host PDU records the logs from all Guest PDUs daisy-chained to it.
Will the Logs of the Guest PDUs recorded in the Host PDU be cleared if the
Guest PDUs are removed from the Host PDU?
No, the Logs of the Guest PDUs will remain even after the Guest PDUs are removed.
Does the Host PDU record the Status Records of the Guest PDUs and itself?
Yes, the Host PDU records the Status Records for all the PDUs in the
Will the Status Records of the Guest PDUs logged in the Host PDU be cleared
if the Guest PDUs are disconnected from the Host PDU?
Yes, once the Guest PDUs are removed, the Status Records logged in the Host
PDU will be cleared. As long as the Host PDU does not connect to other PDUs,
the Status Records of the disconnected PDU can be displayed when it is
re-connected to the Host PDU. If the Host PDU connects to different PDUs, the
Status Records of the removed PDU will be entirely cleared.
Cyber Power Systems, Inc.
The PDUs are
connected but the
daisy-chain function is
not working.
I cannot set the
configuration on a
Guest PDU.
I cannot set the WoL
for Guest PDUs.
Possible Cause
- The firmware version
does not support
- The PDUs have
different firmware
Only the Host PDU
supports EnergyWise.
Only the Host PDU
supports WoL.
Check the firmware
version of each PDU
and upgrade it to v1.07
or above.
Guest #1
Guest #2
Guest #3
Guest #1
Are the Guest PDUs able to connect to the network when they are
Yes, even when the PDUs are daisy-chained, the Guest PDUs are able to
connect to the network directly. Note that a Guest PDU will require having its
own Ethernet cable connected to the network.
What will happen if a 5
PDU is added to a daisy-chain?
The maximum number of PDUs that can be connected in one daisy-chain is 4.
The daisy-chain functionality will not work until the fifth PDU is removed.
What is the maximum recommended length of the Ethernet cable to
daisy-chain the PDUs?
50 ft (15 m)