Hyper Terminal software can be used for basic ATS PDU configuration. In
order for Hyper Terminal to interact with the ATS PDU, the PC/server must
be connected directly to the ATS PDU via the serial port with the included
RJ45/DB9 serial port connection cable. It utilizes a text-based interface and
menu system. Navigation through the interface is done by typing the number
of the menu option and pressing the Enter key. Setup the COM port settings
using the following values.
* Bits per second: 9600
* Data bits: 8
* Parity: None
* Stop bits: 1
* Flow control: None
The session will timeout and logout after 3 minutes of inactivity. Menu
options are shown below:
[Main Menu]
1. Utility Configuration
2. Outlet Manager (Switched Series Only)
3. Load Configuration
4. Network Settings
5. System Configuration
6. Account Settings
7. Configure System to Default
8. Logout
[Utility Configuration]
1. Preferred Source: A
2. Sensitivity: High
3. Voltage Range: Medium
4. Frequency Deviation: 1 Hz
5. Nominal Voltage: 230 V
6. Wide Voltage Range: 30 V
7. Medium Voltage Range: 23 V
8. Narrow Voltage Range: 16 V
9. Set Load Restriction (Switched Series Only)
[Outlet Manager]
1. Outlet Control
2. Outlet Configuration
[Load Configuration]
1. Device Threshold Configuration
2. Bank 1 Threshold Configuration
3. Bank 2 Threshold Configuration
4. Bank 3 Threshold Configuration
[Network Setting]
Physical MAC Address: 00-0C-15-40-00-01
1. System IP:
2. Subnet Mask:
3. Default Gateway:
4. DHCP: Enabled
5. Http Port: 80
6. Http Access: Enabled
[System Configuration]
1. Name: PDU44005
2. Location: Server Room
3. Contact: Administrator
[Account Setting]
1. Administrator
[Configure System to Default]
Sure to Configure System to Default
1. Reset ATS PDU
2. Reset ATS PDU (TCP/IP Settings Reserved)
Appendix A-Hyper Terminal