Is a numerical code that controls an aspect of terminal and/or network operation.
Parameters control page size, data transmission speed, and timing options.
Is an internet protocol standard that provides loop-back on demand for any device in an
IP network. One device "pings" another by sending a loop-back request to the device's
IP address.
Is a type of communications link that connects a single device to another single device,
such as a Base unit to a CPE unit.
remote configuration
A feature that allows the CPE unit to be configured from the Base unit or VT-100
compatible terminal.
Is a device that supports LAN-to-LAN communications. IT reads logical addressing
information and directs data across a network to its destination. See also bridge.
Acronym for Simple Network Management Protocol. It is a control and reporting scheme
widely used to manage devices from different vendors and operates on top of the
Internet protocol.
switched network
Is a network of dial-up telephone lines that uses circuit switching to provide
communications services to network users.
A method of data transmission in which timing information is sent along with the
transmitted data. Synchronous communication is achieved when timing shares a single
Acronym for synchronous data link control. A link-level communications protocol that
manages synchronous, code-transparent, serial information transfer over a link
The standard TCP/IP remote login protocol.
A non-intelligent terminal or terminal emulation mode used for asynchronous
Rev. 1.04 Manual corrections
Setting the Radio Frequency and Scrambling Code
Rev 1.05 Manual corrections
Updated company address and phone numbers
Rev 1.06 Manual corrections
Updated pictures to 512-7000H radio interface boards
Trailblazer Installation and User Manual