Knee clearance
In the event that the handlebars do not clear your knees when pedaling, it will be necessary to adjust
the handlebar position and/or seat position. There is a combination of settings that will accommodate
almost everyone. Experiment until you have found the settings best for you. In general, to give more
knee clearance you must do one or both of
a) move the seat forward (either move the seat pan more forward on the seat mount, or move the
seat mount more forward on the frame), or
b) rotate the handle bar up by lifting the adjustable stem to a higher position.
For further details, consult items 8, 9 and 10 in Section 10 Assembly Instructions.
Parking the bike
To park a Cruzbike with the kickstand, dismount, turn the front wheel all the way to the right (about
), and lean the bike onto the stand. The kickstand is intended for use on level surfaces only.
More practice
Ride to become familiar with the controls, features and performance of your new Cruzbike.
Familiarize yourself with the braking action of the bike (see Section 8.C). Test the brakes at slow
speed, by straightening your arms and moving your head back. Then gently applying the brakes, rear
brake first. Sudden or excessive application of the front brake could pitch you over the handlebars.
: Do not, ever, lean forward while applying the brakes or the rear wheel could lift
off the ground, the bike rotate forward and tip you over the handlebars, causing serious
Applying brakes too hard can lock up a wheel, which could cause you to lose control and fall.
Skidding is an example of what can happen when a wheel locks up. Practice turning, and straight-line
Toe clips or clipless pedals are not recommended until you are fully comfortable and adept on the
Cruzbike, which usually takes several weeks or months (depending on how much you practice). They
can add significantly to the performance of your Cruzbike by allowing you to use the powerful
hamstring muscles for propulsion. If you use them, practice getting in and out of the pedals.
: Use of toe clips or “clipless” pedals can lead to a serious accident by delaying
getting your feet off the pedals and onto the ground. Do not use them until you consider
yourself an “advanced” Cruzbike rider.
If your bike has suspension, familiarize yourself with how the suspension responds to brake
application and rider weight shifts. See Section 8.
Practice shifting the gears see Section 8. Remember to never move the shifter while pedaling
backward, nor pedal backwards immediately after having moved the shifter. This could jam the chain
and cause serious damage to the bicycle.
Check out the handling and response of the bike; and check the comfort.
If you have any questions, or if you feel anything about the bike is not as it should be, consult your
dealer or local bike shop before riding.