IMedia Receiver/Processor
“Ethernet Addressing” Window
Use the following instructions to establish the static IP settings.
1. Clear (de-select) the
Enable DHCP
checkbox if set.
2. Enter the static IP address and IP mask in the designated address fields.
If applicable, enter the default gateway address. (If data will not be
routed outside the LAN, the default gateway can be left blank.)
3. Enter the host name in the
Host Name
field. The host name identifies
the control system on the network and is automatically translated into
the numerical IP address. The host name can consist of up to 64
characters. Valid characters are 0 – 9, A – Z (not case-sensitive), and
the dash (hyphen character). No other characters are valid. The host
name cannot begin with a dash or number.
Given a host name, you can enter this host name instead of the IP
address in the address book.
4. The
Domain Name
field is an additional qualifier that some networks
may need to resolve the name properly.
iMedia Receiver/Processor: IM-RX1 & IM-RX3
Operations & Installation Guide - DOC. 6384