B-4 Changing Audio Card Settings
To enable or disable MPU401 emulation in
DOS/Windows 3.1x
1. If your audio card is already installed, switch off your computer
and all peripheral devices. Remove the the cover from your
system and then the audio card.
2. Enable or disable the MFBEN jumper according to the settings
shown in Figure B-1.
To enable or disable MPU401 emulation in Windows 95
1. Start AWE Control Panel.
2. In AWE Control Panel, click the Device button.
3. In the Device Selection dialog box, make sure that the Allow
MPU401 Emulation On This Device check box is selected, and
then click the Select button.
4. In AWE Control Panel, click the Quit button.
Figure B-1: Available MPU-401 MIDI Emulation settings.
Enabled (Factory
default setting)
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