60T - 280T
16 - USE
.2 - Diagnostics: “E” errors
Error description
Err 0
A sensor is out of the
measurement range
Make sure all the temperature sensors are in a
plausible measurement range
Replace any sensors that are not in the proper
temperature range or replace the main board
Err 45
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 46
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 47
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 48
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 49
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 50
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 51
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 52
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 53
Software error inside
command board
Replace the command and control board
Err 54
Flame detected at a time
in which it should not be
Replace the command and control board
Err 55
Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device
Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 56
Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device
Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 57
Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device
Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 58
Low water pressure error Check the state of the pressure measuring device
Replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 59 (*) Low water pressure error Check the system pressure and, if necessary,
increase it.
If the detected pressure is greater than parameter
3022, replace the pressure measuring device.
Err 60
Flue exhaust tempera-
ture high error
A - Check the combustion output of the burner in
error; the output must be higher than 97% (referring
to the PCI).
B - Make sure the flue exhaust temperature sensor
resistance matches with the graphic in section
A - If the output is lower than 97%, try cleaning
the flue gas side and the water side of the heat
B - If the sensor does not match, it must be re-
Err 61
Return temperature
greater than supply
Make sure the return sensor electrical resistance
matches with the graphic in section 17.14.
If the sensor does not match, it must be replaced.
Err 62 (*) Condensate level sensor
A - Make sure the condensate exhaust duct is not
B - Check the state of the condensate neutraliser;
A - Free the condensate exhaust duct of any
B - Replace the product contained in the condensate
Err 64
Frequency signal error
or WD communication
A - Check the signal frequency. It must be between
55 and 65 Hz.
B - Make sure the grounding and the neutral are at
0 volt
A - If the frequency does not fall within the values,
ask the electrical service provider. Otherwise, try
replacing the control board.
B - If the neutral is not at zero, restore the correct
electrical power supply. If the neutral is at 0 volt, try
replacing the board.
Err 65
Polarity inverted
between phase and
Check proper polarity between phase and neutral.
Invert the polarity between phase and neutral.
Err 66
Frequency signal error
A - Check the signal frequency. It must be between
55 and 65 Hz.
B - Make sure the grounding and the neutral are at
0 volt
A - If the frequency does not fall within the values,
ask the electrical service provider. Otherwise, try
replacing the control board.
B - If the neutral is not at zero, restore the correct
electrical power supply. If the neutral is at 0 volt, try
replacing the board.