60T - 280T
4.1 - Operation and intended use
4.1.1 - Boiler operation and intended use
This is a gas condensing appliance intended to generate
centralised heating. It can also be used for domestic hot
water production for civil use, but it must be appropriately
connected to a storage tank (see fig. 10-2). Any other use is
Maximum domestic hot water service output heat is always
guaranteed as the appliance give priority to said service.
Follow the procedure described in section 16.6 to adjust the
domestic hot water temperature.
The heating system can be created with heat elements that
work at a temperature range from 30°C to 80°C.
The boiler can be connected to a room thermostat, an
external probe or a 0-10Vdc analogue input.
This boiler must be connected to a heating and domestic
hot water production system with required output heat that
is compatible with the features of the appliance itself.
Figure 4-5 - 280T model appliance modulation
- Wide range of modulation and
maximum performance
The appliance management program, depending on the head
required by the system, provides for the gradual ignition of
each single heating element at minimum output (see figure
4-5). After which, if the head required by the system
all the heating elements progressively increase
output. This
achieves modulated output heat that goes from
a minimum
of 14kW to a maximum corresponding to the
architecture of
the appliance (figure 4-5 shows a 280T
module with 4 heating
elements), with maximum efficiency
consequently maintained
for the entire modulation range.
When the boiler is connected to an external probe, it always
works at maximum output (see section 16.9).