Applications manual
For AME series
CTL_ACCUMULATE_MODE_ON [1Eh] [08h] [1Ch] [10h]
CTL_ACCUMULATE_MODE_OFF [1Eh] [08h] [1Ch] [11h]
READ_ACCUMULATE_MODE [1Eh] [08h] [1Ch] [12h]
This command returns the setting status of the Accumulate mode.
Return value:0
Disables the Accumulate mode
Return value:1
Activates the Accumulate mode
CTL_ACCUMULATE_EXEC [1Eh] [08h] [1Ch] [13h]
When the Accumulate mode is enabled, the contents in the buffer are executed by sending ththis
command. The return value is the one by the buffered command.
"1Eh" indicating this command is returned for the identifier information.
If this command was transmitted with the buffer empty, an error will be returned.
Return value
That of the buffered command
Return value
In the Accumulate mode, the Write command is buffered internally and is not immediately reflected
in the product operation. When transmitting "CTL_ACCUMULATE_EXEC" command, the command
in the buffer will be reflected in the operation.
Only one command can be held because the buffer is overwritten.
Because no internal processing is performed at the time of buffering, any software errors (see Section
4.7) other than checksum errors are not returned.
The contents of the buffer are not stored in the non-volatile memory.
This command disables the Accumulate mode.
This is the factory default.
Return value
This command enables the Accumulate mode. The Accumulate mode means that Write command
(Refer to Table 6.1) will not be executed immediately.
As an exception, "CTL_ACCUMULATE_EXEC" command and "CTL_ACCUMULATE_CLER"
command are immediately executed.
ver1.1E 2020.2.12