Saddle Bags
Under Seat Storage Basket
To Install
1. Insert Front Button Strap into opening
in Mesh Seat Bottom and over Seat
Tube. Fig.140
2. Verify the strap is in front of the Seat
Tube Retaining Bolt, then snap button
shut. Fig.141
3. Wrap Rear Button Strap around Seat
Tube and snap shut. Fig.142-143
1. Connect Center Button Strap by looping it over Rear Cross
Brace and snapping button to back of basket. Fig.144
2. Loop Side Button Strap over Chair Tubing (just above the Rear
Axle Assembly), and snap button shut. Repeat for opposite
side. Fig.145
3. Loop Front Button Strap over Chair Tubing (just above Front
Cross Brace Mount), and snap button shut. Fig.146-148
Fig. 140
Fig. 142
Fig. 141
Fig. 143
Fig. 144
Fig. 145
Fig. 146
Fig. 147
Fig. 148