2. Setup
AD12-16(PCI)E, AD12-16U(PCI)E, AD16-16(PCI)E
Setting the Counter Control and Digital I/O Signals
The board has a component equivalent to the i8254, which contains three 16-bit counters. You can set
the connections of counter control signals (counter output signal, gate signal, and clock input signal).
Some of the counter control signals and digital I/O signals are shared, which are set altogether.
For the digital input, digital output, and counter functions, see Chapter 4 “Functions”.
1 2 3
1 2 3
Digital output signal Digital Output 3
Counter output CNT Output
Figure 2.13. Settings the Signals to Be Connected to CN2[10pin] Digital Output3 and
CNT Output
1 2 3
1 2 3
Internal signal 8254Gate
External signal CN2[4] Digital Input 1 / CNT Gate
Figure 2.14. Settings the Signals to Be Connected to gate of COUNTER1/COUNTER2
1 2 3
1 2 3
COUNTER0 output signal
External signal CN2[12] Digital Input 2 / CNT Clock
Figure 2.15. Settings the Signals to Be Connected to Clock of COUNTER1
External signals for counter control must be TTL-level signals.
CNTCLK and CNTGATE serve also as DI2 and DI1, respectively.
Only one of the CNTOUT and DO3, which is selected by JP1, is output from CN2.
API-AIO(WDM) does not support the counter functions. Leave the jumpers factory-set.
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