6. About Hardware
Differences between the CNT24-4(PCI)H and
The CNT24-4(PCI)H partially enhanced version of the conventional products of CNT24-4(PCI) and it is
upper compatible with CNT24-4(PCI).
There are some differences in specifications as shown below.
I/O address
8 bits x 4 ports boundary
8 bits x 32 ports boundary
Power consumption
5VDC 400mA (Max.)
5VDC 250mA (Max.)
PCI bus specification 32bit, 33MHz, 5V
32bit, 33MHz, Universal key shapes supported
(Supply 5V to the 5V pin)
Interrupt signal
resource setting
Set to select whether to use
jumper JP1
Automatically set by PC
Dimension (mm)
121.69(L) x 106.68(H)
121.69(L) x 105.68(H)