fmGenie accessories tester
fmGenie conference microphone
The fmGenie conference microphone works well with people talking at
distances of between a half and 2 metre radius from the microphone.
The conference microphone works best in rooms with good acoustics. It is
also helpful to ensure that background noise is kept to a minimum because
the conference microphone (like any microphone) picks up all sound and is
unable to differentiate between wanted and unwanted sounds.
The suitability of an fmGenie conference microphone is very much a
question of personal choice for the user – so in practice there is no
substitute for trying it!
Both the fmGenie
offer a choice of Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
characteristics for their microphone input, slow or fast. Slow is the normal
setting for use with lapel microphones however the fast AGC is often
better for use with a conference microphone where table noise can
temporarily ‘knock out’ the sound
– see appendix 2 & 3; battery
compartment switch 2 should be set down.
Radio Aid Accessories Tester
Part no. FMG750
What can be tested
The Radio Aid Accessories tester will test: a
direct input lead when connected to a radio aid;
an ear level receiver; an fmGenie aerial or
fmGenie microphones.
Fault finding
Fault finding is a process of elimination and
substitution – using the tester allows easy
verification that individual parts of the system are working allowing
systems to be returned to full working order very quickly. In fact, the Radio
Aid accessories tester is an indispensable product for those looking after
several systems.
Setting up
Plug the headphones into the 3.5mm socket at
the side of the tester & turn on – adjust the
volume control as required.
A hearing aid user can use a neckloop or direct
input lead with the accessories tester.
When testing leads, gently wiggle or bend
them. Intermittent connections will cause bad
crackling and/or interruption of sound. No
sound indicates that the item is broken and needs replacing.
IMPORTANT: Be cautious turning up the listening volume of the radio aid
accessories tester, always start from minimum. If the lead being tested is
intermittent, it may produce loud crackling.
Testing fmGenie Aerials
Plug the fmGenie aerial into the 2.5mm socket
A. The Radio Aid accessories tester contains an
internal audio tone generator that sends a signal
through the fmGenie aerial.
C – 3.5mm socket
for microphones
On/off switch
Power indicator:
flashing = change
socket for
listening to
the tester
B – 3 pin europlug
socket for direct
input leads or ear
level receivers
A – 2.5mm socket
for microphones
or fmGenie
Social activities are a
super example of where
an fmGenie conference
microphone can be used
to help fully interact
with the group.