LPOD C-, X-, or Ku-Band Outdoor Amplifier / Block Up Converter (BUC)
Serial Interface Operation
Revision 14
! (ASCII code 33)
“!” displays when the Controller sends an instruction code that the Target does not recognize. The Target rejects the message by
echoing the invalid instruction, followed by this character. For example: >0001/XYZ!{CR}{LF}
* (ASCII code 42)
“*” displays when the Controller sends a command to set a parameter’s value, and the value is valid but the Target cannot permit
that parameter to be changed at that time. The Target rejects the command by echoing the prohibited instruction, followed by this
character with no message arguments. For example: >0001/MUT*{CR}{LF} (with message arguments).
# (ASCII code 35)
“#” displays only if the Controller sends an instruction code that the Target cannot currently perform due to hardware resource
issues – specifically, if you issue two or more ‘hardware configuration’ type commands without allowing adequate time, between
commands, for the hardware to be configured. If this happens, the Target rejects the instruction code and responds to the error by
echoing the invalid instruction, followed by the # character. For example, if you issue commands to change both the frequency
(FRQ=) and the attenuation (ATT=) with less than 100 milliseconds between the commands, and the Target responds with
>0001/ATT#{CR}{LF}, this means that the attenuation command was rejected and you must resend that command.
Optional Message Arguments
Arguments are not required for all messages. Arguments include these ASCII codes:
Characters “0” through “9” (ASCII codes 48 through 57)
Period “.” (ASCII code 46)
Comma “,” (ASCII code 44)
End of Packet
Controller-to-Target: This is the Carriage Return character {CR} (ASCII code 13).
Target-to-Controller: This is the two-character sequence of Carriage Return and Line Feed {CR}{LF} (ASCII codes 13 and 10).
This pairing shows the valid end of a packet.