The Multilogger has been designed for measuring and recording physical
and electric quantities with an adjustable logging interval from 1 second to
24 hours. The device is equipped with 4 inputs (connectors) for external
probes or signals. The Multilogger can be used either as stationary or
portable device.
The device allows for:
- Measuring and processing input quantities; the maximum number of
the measured and calculated quantities is 16.
- Finding and storing minimal and maximal values for each measured
quantity (since their last manual reset).
- Acquiring autonomous time record of measured values, independent
of the mains supply. Recorded values can be stored as separate
samples in the recording time or as average/ minimal/maximal values
during the logging interval. Recording may be continuous, or only
during an alarm optionally.
- Creating alarm states and perform actions (audio and optical
- Powering by batteries (NiMH accumulators or alkaline batteries).
- Powering by external power supply, which can be also used for
charging NiMH accumulators (optional accessory).