AN 06/2003
2. Weekly maintenance
external surfaces of film processor / enclosures / panels
with a wet cloth to remove any chemical / dirt deposits.
Inspect and clean the wash tank and intermediate water rins drains. If algaes present
then the should be removed, in such a case we suggest to use a proven algae control
system -
The processor is designed to produce consistent high quality production with the minimum
of maintenance.
Regular maintenance minimizes the chances for equipment failure and loss of
processing quality. A well trained person has to be responsible for performing the maintenance
of the processor and must be familiar with the operation and function of it as well.
1. Daily maintenance
Check levels of the external replenishmener tanks -
If necessary mix fresh solution.
Cleaning feed tray.
Cleaning spray-bar-guide for the fixer
Before starting production we advise to feed some cleaning films to remove any
overnight residue.
Have a look to the above shown drainpipes / overflow tubes - remove any deposites
to prevent a blockad of the drain.