Output to Pilot Light - Current Sourcing
To configure the output as a sourcing output, connect OUTPUT COMMON (for example, C2) to the power supply's high
voltage reference (+24VDC) and connect one of the OUTPUTS on the same terminal row (for example, OUTPUT 12) to
the pilot light's high voltage reference (+24VDC).
OUTPUTS 8 - 15 provide up to 100mA of current (maximum).
There are two output terminal rows. OUTPUTS 0 - 7 share the COMMON 1 connection and OUTPUTS 8 - 15
share the COMMON 2 connection. Therefore the output devices for each terminal row must be the same;
either current sinking or current sourcing.
To maintain optical isolation of the I/O lines, the devices connected to these lines must not be connected to
the same power supply as the vision controller. If they are connected to, or share a ground with, the same
power supply, they may still function but will no longer be optically isolated.
Wire Inputs and Outputs