9932EMDE-OM (V1.4)
Operating Instructions
Basic Troubleshooting Checks
Failures of a general nature (affecting many cards and/or functions
simultaneously), or gross inoperability errors are best addressed first by
performing basic checks before proceeding further. Table 3-3 provides basic
system checks that typically locate the source of most general problems. If
required and applicable, perform further troubleshooting in accordance with
the other troubleshooting tables in this section.
Table 3-3
Basic Troubleshooting Checks
Verify power presence and
• On both the frame Network Controller Card and the 9932-EMDE, in all
cases when power is being properly supplied there is always at least one
indicator illuminated. Any card showing no illuminated indicators should be
cause for concern.
• Check the Power Consumed indication for the 9932-EMDE card. This can
be observed using the DashBoard™ Card Info pane.
• If display shows no power being consumed, either the frame power
supply, connections, or the 9932-EMDE card itself is defective.
• If display shows excessive power being consumed (see Technical
Specifications (p. 1-19) in Chapter 1, “Introduction”), the 9932-EMDE
card may be defective.
Check Cable connection
secureness and connecting
Make certain all cable connections are fully secure (including coaxial cable
attachment to cable ferrules on BNC connectors). Also, make certain all
connecting points are as intended. Make certain the selected connecting
points correlate to the intended card inputs and/or outputs. Cabling mistakes
are especially easy to make when working with large I/O modules.
Card seating within slots
Make certain all cards are properly seated within its frame slot. (It is best to
assure proper seating by ejecting the card and reseating it again.)
Check status indicators and
On both DashBoard™ and the 9932-EMDE card edge indicators, red
indications signify an error condition. If a status indicator signifies an error,
proceed to the following tables in this section for further action.
Troubleshoot by
All cards within the frame can be hot-swapped, replacing a suspect card or
module with a known-good item.