9932EMDE-OM (V1.4)
Operating Instructions
9932-EMDE Function Menu List and Descriptions
Dolby E Alignment – Provides selectable Dolby E alignment for
embedded Dolby E to position the bitstream utilizing the Dolby E
“guard band”. This helps prevent frame errors that may occur in a
bitstream upon switching or editing.
• Dolby E Embedding Alignment Control
For incoming Dolby E data routed to the audio bus (either over embedded
channels or via AES embedding to the bus), aligns the embedded Dolby
data corresponding to selection. Alignment line as a result of selection is
shown in E Alignment status display.
Note: Where a frame reference is available, it is recommended to use the
Align to Reference selection. This helps ensure that the correct
alignment is achieved even if the video is user delayed or output
format is changed.
Refer to “Preferred Alignment for Dolby E in HD Systems”
newsletters-dtvaudio-dolby-e-alignment.html) for more information
regarding Dolby E alignment.
Table 3-2
9932-EMDE Function Menu List — continued
• Per-Channel Audio/Video Delay Offset Controls
Offset control adds or reduces (offsets) channel audio delay from the matching video delay (audio delay offset setting adds
or removes delay in addition to any delay included by other actions). This control is useful for correcting lip sync problems
when video and audio paths in the chain experience differing overall delays.
(-800.0 to +800.0 msec range in 0.02 msec steps; null = 0.0 msec)
Delay Status shows current delay from video for the corresponding audio channel.
Note: • Maximum advance/delay offset is dependent on video format.
• Where a Dolby pair is present, adjustment of either channel control results in a matching delay setting for the other
channel in the pair.