9932-EMDE Function Menu List and Descriptions
9932EMDE-OM (V1.4)
Table 3-2
9932-EMDE Function Menu List — continued
In the example here for Event 1, the Video Quality Events tab is set to screen for frozen video. When detected, this status can
be used here (Video Quality set to “Input A Event Engaged”). Using the Event Action selector, go-to action of “go to B” can be
invoked (which in this example is a user preset that changes card routing to use an alternate input source).
Conversely, to go back to the original source, an event could be set up with Video Quality here looking for “Input A Event
Disengaged” and in turn invoke an event action returning routing to the original video source (in this example, user preset
“go to A”).
Note: • Screened conditions are triggered upon start of event. Any event-based setup must be done in advance of the
triggering event in order for event to be detected.
• Loss of true conditions does not disengage an event-based triggering. A new set of true conditions must be
defined and then occur to transition from one event-based trigger to another.
• Time required to engage an event-based trigger depends upon complexity of the called preset. (For example,
a preset that invokes a scaler format change will take longer to engage than a preset involving only an audio
routing change.)
• Make certain all definable event conditions that the card might be expected to “see” are defined in any of the
Event 1 thru Event 32 rows. This makes certain that the card will always have a defined “go-to” action if a
particular event occurs. For example, if the card is expected to “see” a 720p5994 stream or as an alternate, a
525i5994 stream, make certain both of these conditions are defined (with your desired go-to presets) in any two
of the Event 1 thru Event 32 condition definition rows.
Video Quality column appears only on card with +QC (Quality Check) option.