All content © 2018, cmotion GmbH. All specifications are subject to change without further notice.
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Please check the current firmware status and the new firmware upgrade option. Press
select if you want to procceed, press back if you want to select another update file.
Please confirm the update by pressing update. Press back to return to the previous page.
The update will procceed in various steps if required updating your main software, your
radio module and your bootloader software. Once finished the cPRO hand unit or the
connected LBUS device will restart automatically.
Please ensure the battery of the cPRO hand unit is completely charged before starting any
update! Do not remove the battery or the USB drive from the cPRO hand unit while the update
is in progress!
Do not power off the cPRO hand unit or the connected LBUS devices while the update is in
progress as this may damage the device!
Note: Please check cmotion`s website for the latest firmware packages.