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Quick navigation between main screens
Some of the main screens consist of multiple pages. In order to navigate vertically within
a main screen or menu, press menu button 2 (MB2) repeatedly. As an alternative, you can
also swipe the touch screen up or down.
For an overview of which main screens consist of multiple pages, please refer to section
“6.1. GUI main screen overview” on page 23 in this manual.
Quick navigation main screens to adjustment menu
In order to use the quick navigation to enter related adjustment menus from the main
screens, press and hold menu button 2 (MB2). As an alternative, you can also tap and
hold the touch display. HOME button
The HOME button has various functions and is illuminated permanently if the keypad
brightness is not set at 0.
HOME button
cPRO hand unit is off
press short
turn on the cPRO hand
cPRO hand unit is on
press long (3 seconds)
turn off the cPRO hand
from main screens
press short twice
enter the adjustment menu
from adjustment menu
press short
return to the main screen System status LED
System status LED
The sytem status LED indicates the status of the cPRO hand unit.