Remove the batteries from the sensor, then carefully move the first three DIP switches
to either the UP or DOWN positions (it may be easiest to use a narrow implement such
as a pencil to do this) in order to set the Channel ID as desired. Each numbered channel
uses a different combination of up and down switches, as shown:
Remote alarms can only be used with a CM7 Sensor set to Channel 1 - if you’re
looking to make use of this feature please therefore make sure your Channel ID’s are set
The fourth DIP switch is only used to adjust the temperature units shown on the sensor’s
screen. The UP position will set the units to °C Celsius, whereas moving the dip switch
to DOWN will change this to °F Fahrenheit. This does not affect the units shown on the
console itself, which can be changed manually in the Setup Menu – please refer to Page
19 for instructions on how to do so.