1. Description of the product
This product is a Personal Protection Equipment designed for leisure activities at heights
(High rope adventure parks) as per directive EPI 2016/425. It is composed of 2 connec-
tors and a Lanyard integrating 3 levels of safety:
1. Safe unlocking trigger
2. Synchronized locking/unlocking system
3. Metallic hooking sensor
The lanyard is fitted with a loop designed to be linked to a harness, as per EN12277
Equipment identification sheet :
Our references are formed in the following format :
1.1 Type of lanyard
This product is available with 2 different types of loop :
- Long loop
- With C8 swivel / C8+ openable swivel
Connection to the harness
The connection to the harness varies according to the type of lanyard :
For long loop : 1. Lark’s head knot on a harness 2. On a swivel 3. Quicklink
For C8 swivel or C8+ openable swivel : 1. Quicklink 2. Climbing sling or sewn link 3.
Directly on the harness belay point.
For option 6, where the openable swivel C8+ is directly attached to the harness attach-
ment point of the textile harness directly, the width of the webbing must not exceed
20mm. Otherwise it can cause premature wear of the textile.
For lark’s head mountings : reduce the length by a few centimetres (5cm)
Caution :
It is forbidden to tie extra knots on the lanyard (and on the sling), as this
would reduce the resistance of the product. Imperatively respect the use pattern of the
product. Each element of the safety chain must be CE certified. Only use reinforced
sling supplied by SARL DEHONDT. Fastening with an EN566 standard sling is strictly
1.2 Anchor detection
This product is available with three types of anchor detection :
0 : No anchor detection (no connection restriction)
1 : Magnet on connector (the connection is possile on a steel cable, on a C-CONNECT
and a C-ZAM ring). Considered a safety level D only if only the safety line is in magneti-
zable steel
2 : Magnet on anchor (The connection is only possible on a C-CONNECT and a C-ZAM)
1.3 Connectors
Recommended diameter for the safety line is 8mm minimum and 20mm maximum. A
complete set weighs approximately 1,1kg (connectors & lanyard).
2. Traceability and markings
Meaning of the markings
Reference of the directives / Name and address of the PPE designer :
2.1 Marking labels
(1) Recto :
1. Brand name
(2) Verso :
2. Manufacturer
3. Compliance with regulation PPE 2016/425. The CE declaration of conformity
is available on
4. Number of the certifying body :
APAVE SUDEUROPE SAS CS60193- 13322 Marseille Cedex 16 France
Notified body involved in the CE type examination and in charge of equipment
certification: APAVE SUDEUROPE SAS (0082)
15 kN :
Static resistance of the product, guaranteed at the time of production
and validated during the CE check
6. Carefully read the notice before using the product
2.2 Individual identification label
1. Individual identification number of the product
2. The four last digits are the month and year of manufacturing (example :
0416 for april 2016)
3. Minimum and maximum diameter allowed by the connector
4. Model
5. Batch number
3. Use
3.1 Fitting a connector
Each connector (except on model Ax0) is fitted with an anchor point sensor system
preventing it from being hooked onto a device not made of steel (magnetisable). For
model Ax2, click on C-ZAM magnetic rings only.
1. Place the nose of the opened connector in front of a magnetisable anchor
point. Place the arrow facing the anchor point. Wait until the barrel is released;
the detection system self-locks if you force it
2. Push the connector into its locked position without forcing. When this connector is
locked, the other one can be opened
3.2 Removing a connector
CLiC-iT is fitted with a mechanism preventing one connector from being unhooked if the
other one is already unhooked.
1. Press the trigger of the
connector with your thumb (model 21) or with your
index (model 25)
2. Remove the connector while keeping the trigger pressed. The connector is
, it can
be hooked onto another anchor point
3.3 Starting on a route
When starting on a route, check that one connector is
. If both connectors are
place them both on a free cable end in a safe area, then follow instructions to
open 1 connector.
1. Lock the
connector on the lifeline
2. Open the second connector by pressing his trigger
3. Lock the connector on the lifeline. Make sure that the user connects well both
connectors on the lifeline at the beginning of the course
3.4 Leaving a route
Procedure for releasing the connectors from the cable, to be performed only in a safe
area. Follow the safety instructions applicable to the area in question.
1. Unclick a connector by pressing its trigger.
2. Click it on the free cable end (or on the way out C-OFF reference DAS044).
Pull it out of the cable end without unclicking it. Finally unclick the other connector by
pressing its trigger.
3.5 Fastening the loop with a lark’s head knot
1. Feed the loop through the sit hamess belay point (or full body harness
sternal attachment point)
2. Feed the first connector through the lanyard loop.
3. Feed the second connector through the lanyard loop.
4. Pull on the lanyard in order to form the lark’s head.
For further fastening configurations, a prior validation must be asked and delivered by
SARL DEHONDT before use.
3.6 Briefings
1. Carry the equipment using C-TWO accessory. (Ref : DAS046)
2. Place the connectors in front of the pulley or on the C-ZiP Xtrem (Ref: DAS180) for a
zipline in order to reduce friction on the cable.
3. Let the users handle CliC-iT on the ground (on a taut cable) before starting the
3.7 Forbidden manœuvres
Neglecting the basic operational rules may lead to a defect of the product causing
injuries to the user. If an operational defect occurs, the product should be checked
Contact the manufacturer in case of improper operation. Handling of the product by the
user with tools or metallic magnetisable objects is strictly forbidden.
1, At the start of the route, make sure that the user properly connects their two
connectors to the lifeline and that their connectors are properly locked on the
2, Don’t try to force open the connectors or to manipulate the U hook by hand.
Don’t place your hand between the cable and the connector
3, Don’t try to fit the connectors on the lanyard, the harness or a branch, a rope
(which is not an anchor point)
4, Don’t lock the connector on a tool, a magnetisable object a magnet or an
another connector other than on the safety line. Tricking the product with tools,
or magnetizable metal objects is strictly prohibited
5, Don’t place your head between the lanyards, there is a risk of neck
entrapment in case of fall.
(cf 6.Caution)
6, Don’t pull on the connectors or the lanyard during a while zipping
7, Don’t drop or drag the connectors on the ground
8, Don’t hang on the lanyard sheath, this could damage the lanyard and the
control cables
9, Don’t twist the lanyard. If the lanyard is twisted and one of the connectors is
stuck, remove the other connector and untwist the lanyard. If 2 connectors are
stuck (several twists) : Pull the connectors apart and remove one of the
connectors. To ensure optimal durability of the product, we recommend never
to exceed two twists
10, Excessive spin of the central part of the lanyard may damage the control
11, Don’t bend the lanyard.
Points 8, 9 and/or 10 and/or 11 can lead to the failure of the synchronization function
and possibly lead to simultaneous opening of the two connectors.
12 Don’t hit the connectors between each other or against an obstacle or on the cable.
13 Do not attempt to trick the connector with the magnet of a C-ZAM ring or C-
Points 12 and 13 can cause the closing of a U-hook out of the lifeline.
This allows a potential disconnection of the second connector of the lifeline.
4. Operator informations
4.1 Arrangements and recommendations
1. Precautions : The various components of the safety line should be in
compliance with the European safety standards (CE), and should be used with
full knowledge of their operational limitations. Compatibility of this product with
the other safety elements should be checked.
This product is not fitted with shock absorption or fall arrest system. Its use on
Via Ferratas is forbidden. The anchor point
must always be located above the
user’s harness buckle
2. When the operator is:
- suspended, the center point of the lanyard must be below the neck.
(cf 6.Caution)
- standing, the center point of the lanyard must be higher than the neck.
(cf 6.Caution)
The activities involving the use of this product are dangerous by nature.
These user’s instructions contain important information, an inspection card and a proof of inspection.
Before using this product, these instructions should be read and clearly understood.
The instructions should be kept with the product during its whole lifetime. Images are non contractual.
Read carefully the accessories user’s instructions.